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Year-end report January 1 – December 31 2024


In the fourth quarter 2024, Acconeer's net sales amounted to 10,3 MSEK, and for the full year the net sales was 51,3 MSEK, which is an increase of 44% compared to 2023. In agreement with customer, 4,4 MSEK of the previously communicated prepaid order was postponed to Q1 to utilize the new test partner that was qualified in the quarter. After the quarter it was announced that the board of directors propose a directed share issue of approximately SEK 25 million and a fully secured rights issue (compensation issue) of approximately SEK 25 million

CEO Ted Hansson comments: “The automotive industry is probably the largest identified market for our products. Alps Alpine is a global tier-1 supplier to the automotive industry known for innovation and high quality, who has the possibility to compare us with all competitors. The fact that they choose to enter into a directed issue and thereby continue to show their strong confidence in Acconeer as a company, our technology and market is a statement of strength.”


  • Net sales for the fourth quarter amounted to kSEK 10,280 (10,612).
  • The gross margin on sales of goods was 40 (60) % (before inventory adjustment 62 (60)%).
  • Result after taxes amounted to kSEK -7,992 (-11,289).
  • Earnings per share before and after dilution was SEK -0.13 (-0.42).
  • The cash flow from operating activities was kSEK -4,890 (-9,846).


  • Net sales for the full year amounted to kSEK 51,320 (35,522).
  • The gross margin on sales of goods was 56 (62) % (before inventory adjustment 60 (62)%).
  • Result after taxes amounted to kSEK -31,479 (-46,504).
  • Earnings per share before and after dilution was SEK -0.60 (-1.76).
  • The cash flow from operating activities was kSEK -28,984 (-37,276).
  • Cash and cash equivalents on the balance sheet date amounted to kSEK 53,757 (38,653).


  • No significant events during the fourth quarter.


  • Acconeer signed a worldwide franchise deal with Future Electronics.
  • The Board of Directors of Acconeer AB proposed a directed share issue of approximately SEK 25 million and a fully secured rights issue (compensation issue) of approximately SEK 25 million.

The report is attached to this press release and available through Acconeer's website:

The Board of Directors of Acconeer AB (publ) proposes a directed share issue of approximately SEK 25 million and a fully secured rights issue (compensation issue) of approximately SEK 25 million



The Board of Directors of Acconeer AB (publ) (“Acconeer” or the “Company”) has today, 14 February 2025, resolved to propose that an extraordinary general meeting (the “Extraordinary General Meeting”) resolves to carry out a directed share issue of approximately SEK 25 million (the “Directed Share Issue”). The Directed Share Issue is directed to the existing and strategically important shareholder Alps Alpine Co., Ltd. (“Alps Alpine”). As part of the agreement with Alps Alpine and to compensate the shareholders who do not participate in the Directed Share Issue, the Board of Directors has decided to propose that the Extraordinary General Meeting resolves on a rights issue, which at full subscription would provide the Company with approximately SEK 25 million before deduction of issue costs (the “Compensation Issue”). The existing shareholders BGA Invest AB, Sifonen Aktiebolag, Lars-Erik Wernersson AB, Thomas Rex (chairman of the board) and Björn Bengtsson (CFO) have provided subscription commitments of approximately SEK 4.28 million in total, corresponding to approximately 17.12 per cent of the Compensation Issue. In addition, the Company has received underwriting commitments, free of charge, from BGA Invest AB, Sifonen Aktiebolag, Thomas Rex and Ted Hansson (CEO) amounting to a total of approximately SEK 2.0 million, corresponding to approximately 8.0 per cent of the Compensation Issue. BGA Invest AB, Sifonen Aktiebolag, Thomas Rex, Ted Hansson, Björn Bengtsson and Lars-Erik Wernersson AB have also entered into top guarantee commitments free of charge amounting to a total of approximately SEK 18.72 million, corresponding to approximately 74.88 per cent of the Compensation Issue. In total, 100 per cent of the Compensation Issue is thus covered by subscription commitments and free of charge bottom and top guarantee commitments. Alps Alpine has, through a subscription undertaking, undertaken to, provided that the Company completes the fully secured Compensation Issue, subscribe for the shares in the Directed Share Issue and to vote in favour of the Directed Share Issue and the Compensation Issue at the Extraordinary General Meeting. Notice of the Extraordinary General Meeting will be published through a separate press release.

Summary of the Directed Issue and the Compensation Issue

  • The Directed Issue comprises of a maximum of 5,482,456 shares and is directed to Alps Alpine. Upon full subscription in the Directed Issue, Acconeer will receive approximately SEK 25 million before deduction of issue costs. The subscription price in the Directed Issue is SEK 4.56 per share, which corresponds to the closing price of the Company's share on 13 February 2025.
  • The right to subscribe for the new shares shall, with preferential rights, be granted to shareholders in proportion to the number of shares they already own, whereby one (1) existing share shall entitle the holder to three (3) subscription rights, and thirty-four (34) subscription rights shall entitle the holder to subscribe for one (1) new share.
  • The Compensation Issue comprises a maximum of 5,484,249 shares. Upon full subscription in the Compensation Issue, Acconeer will receive approximately SEK 25 million before deduction of issue costs.
  • The last day of trading in Acconeer's shares including the right to receive subscription rights in the Compensation Issue is 12 March 2025. The shares are traded excluding the right to receive subscription rights in the Compensation Issue from 13 March 2025.
  • The subscription price in the Compensation Issue is SEK 4.56 per share, which corresponds to the closing price of the Company's share on 13 February 2025.
  • The subscription period in the Compensation Issue runs from 18 March 2025 to 1 April 2025.
  • The Compensation Issue is covered by subscription undertakings of approximately 17.12 per cent and free of charge bottom and top guarantee undertakings of approximately 8.0 and 74.88 per cent respectively. In total, 100 per cent of the Compensation Issue is thus covered by subscription undertakings and free of charge bottom and top guarantee commitments.
  • The full terms and conditions of the Compensation Issue, including further information about the Company, will be available in an information memorandum expected to be published on or around 11 March 2025 (the “Information Memorandum”).

Background and motives

Acconeer's self-developed radar technology offers a unique combination of precision, power consumption and size. The company launched its first radar sensor in 2018 and has since then sold over three million units, including more than one million in the last 12 months. The company is in the final stages of developing its next-generation radar sensor, the A2, which will open up new, advanced applications and commercial opportunities.

Acconeer made significant progress last year, both in product development and commercially:

  1. A number of new design wins in the automotive sector, in total the Company has now communicated design wins with an estimated value of USD 74 million 2024-2032.
  2. Mass production of the first cars with presence detection based on Acconeer radar technology.
  3. An updated go-to-market strategy and organisation was launched with a clear focus in four product areas, where the Company has a strong offering and sees opportunities to obtain larger customers. In all these areas, concrete progress is already visible, with strengthened key relationships, improved product offerings and a stronger sales pipeline. The company recruited sales representatives in key markets and signed agreements with major distributors to accelerate design-in work with high-volume customers.
  4. In December, the chip design for the production variant of the A2 was finalised, which is a very important milestone in the project. Earlier in the year, prototypes were evaluated and successfully tested by customers in a real-world environment, leading to a first design win in the automotive industry. Acconeer also sees significant opportunities with A2 outside the automotive industry and aims to get its first design win during the year.

With this progress and the new strategy, the Company is well placed to achieve the previously communicated financial targets:

  1. First EBIT positive quarter in 2025.
  2. First cash flow positive quarter during 2026.
  3. Revenues of more than SEK 300 million in 2027.
  4. Long-term EBIT margin of at least 25 per cent.

Thomas Rex, Chairman of the Board of Acconeer comments: “We are delighted that Alps Alpine is entering into a directed share issue and continues to show strong confidence in Acconeer as a company, our technology and the market for our sensors. It is also gratifying that we can present a compensatory issue which is carried out without a discount and that is fully underwritten by major shareholders, board and management free of charge. This compensatory issue gives all shareholders the opportunity to participate on equal terms in the company's continued journey and value development”.

Masaaki Tanaka, Vice President Sensor & Communication Business, New Business at Alps Alpine comments: “We started evaluating Acconeer's technology back in 2017 and quickly recognised the potential of the innovative mmWave radar technology and a significant market opportunity in the automotive industry. In 2020, we invested in Acconeer through a directed share issue. In 2021, we entered into a joint development agreement for the next generation radar sensor “A2” to capitalise on the combined strengths of Acconeer's unique radar technology and Alpine's automotive expertise. Our collaboration has so far resulted in several launches for access control and interior detection applications with several leading car manufacturers. We also use Acconeer's technology in products for level measurement, distance measurement and load tracking. We strongly believe in the business opportunity, and we are increasing our investments in our joint development project through the directed share issue to ensure that together we bring a world-leading product to the market”.

The proceeds from the Directed Share Issue and the Compensation Issue are planned to be used to finance:

  1. mainly the finalisation of the next generation radar sensor, A2
  2. the commercialisation of A2 in new markets, development in new applications outside the automotive industry,
  3. efforts with the aim of increasing sales and other business purposes.

The Directed Share Issue

The Board of Directors of Acconeer has today decided to propose that the Extraordinary General Meeting resolves on the Directed Share Issue comprising a maximum of 5,482,456 shares at a subscription price of SEK 4.56 per share. Through the Directed Share Issue, the Company will receive proceeds of approximately SEK 25 million before deduction of issue costs. The right to subscribe for the new shares shall only, with deviation from the shareholders' preferential rights, be granted to the existing and strategically important shareholder Alps Alpine.

The reasons for the deviation from the shareholders' preferential rights and for the Directed Share Issue being directed to an existing shareholder are as follows. Prior to the decision to propose the Directed Share Issue, the Board of Directors has carefully investigated and considered alternative financing options, including raising capital solely through a rights issue. However, after an overall assessment and careful consideration, the Board of Directors considers that a new share issue carried out with deviation from the shareholders' preferential rights in combination with a rights issue is a more favourable alternative for the Company and the Company's shareholders than an isolated rights issue and that it is objectively in the interest of both the Company and its shareholders to carry out the Directed Share Issue. The Board of Directors has considered, inter alia, the following.

Alps Alpine is an existing shareholder in the Company and an important partner. The reason why the Directed Share Issue is directed to an existing shareholder in the Company is that it has expressed and shown a long-term interest in and commitment to the Company, which, according to the Board of Directors, creates security and stability for both the Company and its shareholders. Alps Alpine is a strategically important investor, and without Alps Alpine it would not have been possible for the Company to secure the financing of the A2 project. At the same time, other shareholders are given the opportunity to subscribe for shares on the same terms through the Compensation Issue.

The Company is in an important phase and has a need for financing to secure the Company's long-term operations. A more extensive and isolated rights issue would require significantly more time and resources to implement and entail a higher risk of negative impact on the share price, especially considering the current volatile and challenging market conditions. From a shareholder perspective, an isolated rights issue thus entails a risk of a negative effect on the share price compared to a directed share issue in combination with a rights issue.

Considering the above, the Board of Directors' overall assessment is that the reasons for carrying out a directed share issue in combination with a rights issue outweigh the reasons for carrying out a more extensive isolated rights issue, and that the Directed Share Issue to Alps Alpine is therefore in the interest of both the Company and all its shareholders.

The Board of Directors has, prior to the resolution on the Directed Share Issue, placed great importance on ensuring that the subscription price shall be on market terms in relation to the prevailing share price. The subscription price has, after arm's length negotiations between the Company and Alps Alpine, been set at SEK 4.56 per share, which corresponds to the closing price of the Company's share on 13 February 2025. Considering this, the Board of Directors makes the assessment that the subscription price is market-based and reflects the demand for the Company's shares.

Alps Alpine has, through a subscription undertaking, undertaken to subscribe for the shares in the Directed Share Issue and to vote in favour of the Directed Share Issue and the Compensation Issue at the Extraordinary General Meeting, provided that the Company completes the fully secured Compensation Issue.

Compensatory Issue

As part of the agreement with Alps Alpine and to compensate the shareholders who do not participate in the Directed Share Issue, the Board of Directors proposes that the Extraordinary General Meeting resolves on the Compensation Issue of a maximum of 5,484,249 shares which, if fully subscribed, would provide the Company with approximately SEK 25 million before deduction of issue costs. Shareholders on the record date 14 March 2025 will receive three (3) subscription rights for each (1) existing share, whereby 34 subscription rights shall entitle to subscription of (1) new share. The subscription price in the Compensation Issue shall be SEK 4.56 per share, which corresponds to the closing price of the share of the company on 13 February 2025.

In the event that all shares are not subscribed for with subscription rights, the Board of Directors shall, within the framework of the maximum amount of the Compensation Issue, resolve on allotment of shares subscribed for without subscription rights, whereby allotment shall be made as follows. Firstly, allotment shall be made to those who have subscribed for shares with subscription rights (regardless of whether they were shareholders on the record date or not) and who have expressed an interest in subscribing for shares without subscription rights and, in the event that allotment to these cannot be made in full, allotment shall be made pro rata in relation to the number of subscription rights that each of those who have expressed an interest in subscribing for shares without subscription rights have utilised for subscription of shares. Secondly, allotment shall be made to others who have subscribed for shares in the Compensation Issue without subscription rights and, if allotment to these cannot be made in full, allotment shall be made pro rata in relation to the total number of shares for which the subscriber has applied for subscription. Thirdly, allotment shall be made to those who have provided guarantee commitments regarding subscription of shares, in proportion to such guarantee commitments. To the extent that allotment at any stage according to the above cannot be made pro rata, allotment shall be made by drawing lots.

Trading in subscription rights will take place on Nasdaq First North Growth Market during the period from 18 March 2025 up to and including 27 March 2025 and trading in paid subscribed shares (BTA) will take place on Nasdaq First North Growth Market from 18 March 2025 up to and including 22 April 2025.

Underwriting and guarantee commitments

Alps Alpine has through a subscription undertaking undertaken to subscribe for the shares in the Directed Share Issue provided that the Company completes the Compensation Issue.

BGA Invest AB, Sifonen Aktiebolag, Lars-Erik Wernersson AB, Thomas Rex (chairman of the board) and Björn Bengtsson (CFO) have provided subscription commitments for the Compensation Issue totalling approximately SEK 4.28 million, corresponding to approximately 17.12 per cent of the Compensation Issue. The subscription commitments are distributed as follows.

BGA Invest AB Approx. SEK 2.16 million
Sifonen Aktiebolag Approx. SEK 1.69 million
Lars-Erik Wernersson AB Approx. SEK 0.22 million
Thomas Rex Approx. SEK 0.17 million
Björn Bengtsson Approx. SEK 0.04 million
Total: Approx. SEK 4.28 million

In addition, the Company has received underwriting commitments free of charge from BGA Invest AB, Sifonen Aktiebolag, Thomas Rex and Ted Hansson (CEO), amounting to a total of approximately SEK 2.0 million, which corresponds to approximately 8.0 per cent of the Compensation Issue. The underwriting commitments are distributed as follows.

BGA Invest AB Approx. SEK 0.5 million
Sifonen Aktiebolag Approx. SEK 0.5 million
Thomas Rex Approx. SEK 0.5 million
Ted Hansson Approx. SEK 0.5 million
Total: Approx. SEK 2.0 million

BGA Invest AB, Sifonen Aktiebolag, Thomas Rex, Ted Hansson, Björn Bengtsson and Lars-Erik Wernersson AB have also entered into top guarantee commitments free of charge amounting to a total of approximately SEK 18.72 million, corresponding to approximately 74.88 per cent of the Compensation Issue. The top guarantee commitments are distributed as follows.

BGA Invest AB Approx. SEK 7.69 million
Sifonen Aktiebolag Approx. SEK 8.16 million
Thomas Rex Approx. SEK 1.83 million
Ted Hansson Approx. SEK 0.50 million
Björn Bengtsson Approx. SEK 0.46 million
Lars-Erik Wernersson AB Approx. SEK 0.08 million
Total: Approx. SEK 18.72 million

In total, 100 per cent of the Compensation Issue is thus covered by free of charge subscription undertakings and free of charge bottom and top guarantee undertakings.

No compensation is paid for subscription commitments made, neither in the Directed Share Issue nor in the Compensation Issue, nor for bottom and top guarantee commitments made in the Compensation Issue. Neither the subscription commitments nor the bottom and top guarantee commitments are secured by bank guarantee, blocked funds, pledge or similar arrangements.

Change in number of shares and share capital and dilution

Through the Directed Share Issue, the number of shares in Acconeer will increase by a maximum of 5,482,456 shares, from 62,154,827 shares to 67,637,283 shares, and the share capital will increase by a maximum of SEK 274,122.8, from SEK 3,107,741.35 to SEK 3,381,864.15, resulting in a dilution of approximately 8.1 per cent.

Through the Compensation Issue, the number of shares in Acconeer will increase by a maximum of 5,484,249 shares, from 67,637,283 shares to 73,121,532 shares, and the share capital will increase by a maximum of SEK 274,212.45, from SEK 3,381,864.15 to SEK 3,656,076.60. For existing shareholders who do not participate in the Compensation Issue, this means, at full subscription, an additional dilution effect of approximately 7.5 per cent of the votes and capital in the Company.

The total dilution effect, if both the Directed Share Issue and the Compensation Issue are fully subscribed, amounts to approximately 15 per cent.

Preliminary timetable for the Compensation Issue

6 March The Extraordinary General Meeting
11 March 2025 Publication of the Information Memorandum
12 March Last day of trading incl. preferential rights in the Compensation Issue
13 March First day of trading excl. preferential rights in the Compensation Issue
14 March Record date for entitlement to participate in the Compensation Issue
18 March 2025 – 27 March Trading in subscription rights
18 March 2025 – 1 April Subscription period
18 March 2025 – 22 April 2025 Trading in paid subscribed shares (BTA)
3 April 2025 Estimated date of announcement of the outcome of the Compensation Issue

The timetable is indicative only and dates are subject to change.

The Extraordinary General Meeting

The Company will issue a separate press release convening the Extraordinary General Meeting to be held on 6 March 2025.

Information memorandum

Full terms and conditions of the Compensation Issue and other information about the Company will be set out in the Information Memorandum which is expected to be published by the Company before the subscription period commences.


Moll Wendén Advokatbyrå is legal adviser to Acconeer AB in connection with the Directed Share Issue and the Compensation Issue and Eminova Fondkommission AB is issuing agent in connection with the Directed Share Issue and the Compensation Issue.

Acconeer signs global franchise agreement with Future Electronics


Acconeer has signed a worldwide franchise deal with Future Electronics, who will provide customers access to Acconeer’s unique 60GHz radar solutions. This agreement covers Acconeer’s A121 radar sensor and related products, and expands Acconeer’s global distribution network. Future Electronics is a global leader in electronics distribution headquarted in Montreal, Canada.

Through this partnership, Future Electronics customers will gain access to Acconeer’s patented Pulsed Coherent Radar systems, recognized for their unmatched power consumption, compact size, and high-performance sensing capabilities.

Acconeer’s 60GHz millimeter-wave A121 radar solution, along with related modules and evaluation kits, will now be available through Future Electronics. This technology enables precise object detection, distance measurement, and motion sensing, making it ideal for industries such as automotive, IoT, and industrial automation. By expanding its portfolio with Acconeer’s products, Future Electronics reaffirms its commitment to offering customers the most advanced solutions to drive innovation in their designs.

“With this agreement in place we further increase our visibility and availability for customers worldwide,” said Ted Hansson, CEO of Acconeer. “With their strong global presence and success, Future Electronics is an important addition to our global distributor network.”

Established in 2012 from research at Lund University, Acconeer has quickly become a leader in radar sensing technology. Its Pulsed Coherent Radar systems combine extremely low power consumption with remarkable sub-millimeter precision and robust environmental performance. By integrating Acconeer’s solutions, Future Electronics continues to empower developers, fostering an environment where employees and customers alike benefit from state-of-the-art electronics innovations.

Future Electronics is dedicated to maintaining a culture of excellence and collaboration, making it an exceptional place to work. This global franchise agreement highlights the company’s unwavering focus on delivering breakthrough technologies that help customers succeed in an ever-evolving market.

Interim report Q3 2024


In the third quarter of 2024 Acconeer’s net sales amounted to kSEK 14,604 and the gross margin was 61%. A record number of radar sensors were sold in the quarter, 400,000. A total of 10 new customer products were launched.

CEO Ted Hansson comments: “The turnover for Q3 2024 increased 74% compared to the same period in 2023. This means that after three quarters of 2024 we have reached higher turnover than for the full year of 2023. We see strong revenue contributions from Automotive, but also from Tank level measurement applications, which is a market we believe will continue to be strong going forward.”


  • Net sales for the third quarter amounted to kSEK 14,604 (8,379).
  • The gross margin on sales of goods was 61 (67) %.
  • Result after taxes amounted to kSEK-4,316 (-9,590).
  • Earnings per share before and after dilution was SEK -0.07 (-0.36).
  • The cash flow from operating activities was kSEK-3,896 (-6,895).


  • Net sales for the nine months amounted to kSEK 41,040 (24,910).
  • The gross margin on sales of goods was 60 (62) %.
  • Result after taxes amounted to kSEK -23,487 (-35,215).
  • Earnings per share before and after dilution was SEK -0.47 (-1.33).
  • The cash flow from operating activities was kSEK -22,394 (-27,430).
  • Cash and cash equivalents on the balance sheet date amounted to kSEK 73,337 (42,431).


  • Acconeer received order from Restar worth USD 166,000.
  • Acconeer received order from BEYD worth USD 183,000.


  • No significant events after the end of the period.

The report is attached to this press release and available through Acconeer's website:

Acconeer receives order from BEYD worth USD183,000


The order relates to Acconeer’s A111 and A121 Pulsed Coherent Radar sensors for customers’ mass production. BEYD is Acconeer's Chinese distributor and an important sales channel for the company.

CEO Ted Hansson comments: “China is an important market for us, and we are happy receive another large order intended for volume production of customer products.”

In addition to publicly announced orders, Acconeer continuously receives orders of smaller amounts which are not publicly announced as they are not considered to affect the share price.

Acconeer receives order from Restar worth USD166,000


The order relates to Acconeer’s A1 Pulsed Coherent Radar sensor for a customer utilizing it for a level measurement application. Restar Electronics Americas is one of Acconeer’s distributors serving the North America region.

CEO Ted Hansson comments: “We are happy to receive a follow-up order from Restar, confirming the increased interest in our products for the North American market.”

In addition to publicly announced orders, Acconeer continuously receives orders of smaller amounts which are not publicly announced as they are not considered to affect the share price.

Interim report Q2 2024


In the second quarter 2024 Acconeer’s net sales amounted to kSEK 15,138 and the gross margin was 61%. As many as nearly 270,000 radar sensors were sold in the quarter. In addition, more than 25,000 modules and 414 evaluation kits, EVK, were sold. A total of 18 new customer products were launched.

CEO Ted Hansson comments: “I am very pleased to begin my time as CEO of Acconeer by reporting record high quarterly revenues of SEK 15.1 million. We also see once again a quarter with very strong development in the automotive industry, which is promising for future earnings.”


  • Net sales for the second quarter amounted to kSEK 15,138 (6,399).
  • The gross margin on sales of goods was 61 (61) %.
  • Result after taxes amounted to kSEK-6,930 (-13,498).
  • Earnings per share before and after dilution was SEK -0.12 (-0.51).
  • The cash flow from operating activities was kSEK -6,280 (-10,803).


  • Net sales for the first six months amounted to kSEK 26,436 (16,530).
  • The gross margin on sales of goods was 59 (60) %.
  • Result after taxes amounted to kSEK-19,171 (-25,625).
  • Earnings per share before and after dilution was SEK -0.44 (-0.97).
  • The cash flow from operating activities was kSEK -18,498 (-20,535).
  • Cash and cash equivalents on the balance sheet date amounted to kSEK 109,017 (30,541).


  • Acconeer received order from BEYD worth USD 180,000.
  • Acconeer received order from European IoT provider worth USD 100,000.
  • Acconeer announced automotive design win with an estimated value of USD 30 million, for the first time including next generation radar sensor A2.
  • Acconeer and Sandvik receives research grant of SEK 3.5 million for material classification.
  • Acconeer announced 5 automotive design wins to an estimated value of more than USD 4 million.
  • Acconeer appointed Ted Hansson as new CEO.


  • No significant events after the end of the period.

The report is attached to this press release and available through Acconeer's website:

Acconeer appoints Ted Hansson as new CEO to drive sales growth


Acconeer AB (publ) (Ticker: ACCON), a leader in radar sensor technology, announces the appointment of Ted Hansson as its new Chief Executive Officer, effective July 1st, 2024.

Ted Hansson brings extensive experience in driving sales and business growth in the
technology sector. Based in Asia, he has over 20 years of experience in managing and scaling global semiconductor business and previously held senior leadership roles at Fingerprint Cards AB,
including President of Mobile, PC, and Access China business, and interim group CEO. He has also worked for Ericsson and Samsung Semiconductor. Ted will be based at Acconeer's Malmoe headquarters. Ted holds a Master’s degree in electrical engineering.

Thomas Rex, Chairman of the Board, commented:
“We are thrilled to welcome Ted to Acconeer. His proven track record in driving sales and
expanding market reach in the tech sector makes him the ideal leader for our next growth
phase. Ted played a crucial role in establishing Fingerprints as a dominant player in the
smartphone market and expanding into laptops. We look forward to his contributions in
advancing our strategic goals and enhancing shareholder value."

"I also want to thank Lars Lindell for his enormous contribution over the past 9 years,
transforming Acconeer from a startup to a leading player in the industry."

Incoming CEO Ted Hansson stated:
“I am excited and honored to join Acconeer at this pivotal time. Acconeer’s innovative radar
technology is poised for further deployment across multiple industries. I look forward to working
with the talented team to drive sales growth, market expansion, and value for our customers
and shareholders.”

Acconeer announces 5 automotive design wins to an estimated value of more than USD 4 million


Acconeer’s A121 Pulsed Coherent Radar sensor has been designed into five additional car models from a leading Japanese automotive manufacturer, following the one announced in January this year. The design wins are for the use case access control, which allows touchless opening of the trunk of a car. The total forecasted value of the design wins is USD 4 million over a seven-year period starting in 2025. By "design win" Acconeer refers to that the company's radar sensor has been selected for use in a customer product, but it is not equivalent to that an order has been placed.

CEO Lars Lindell comments: “We are happy to see yet another design win with this manufacturer, and we take it as a confirmation that they are happy with our product. This design win together with other recently announed ones are indications that our solution is becoming a standard product with several OEMs, which puts us in a great position for even more design wins in the future.”

In total, Acconeer has now seen 6 launched car models and 26 design wins in the automotive industry. The total forecasted value of all announced design wins is USD 74 million in the period 2024-2032. A design win is counted when a formal nomination is received, or when forecasted sales can be done with high reliability.

Acconeer and Sandvik receive research grant of SEK 3.5 million for material classification


Sweden's innovation agency Vinnova has decided to award Acconeer and Sandvik a grant totaling SEK 3.5 million, of which Acconeer's share is SEK 2.5 million, for research into automated material classification with radar. The project will begin in Q3 2024 and is planned to be completed in the second half of 2026.

In this project Sandvik and Acconeer will combine their strengths to develop a material classification system for rock crushing conveyor belt applications. The system will provide information on different types of materials and particle size distributions and identify deviations towards the requirements on the produced material.

CEO Lars Lindell comments: "Material classification is something we have been looking into for many years, and with this grant we get the opportunity to take our research one step further. The fact that we also get the chance to do it together with a large global player like Sandvik gives us the possibility to test our application in an advanced industrial environment."

From Vinnova's justification: "A well-written application with actors at the forefront. The automated material classification described is considered to have high potential with several different areas of application in addition to the rock crusher that is in focus. The project plan is assessed as realistic with a good division between the actors."