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Acconeer’s versatile cargo tracking solution provides vital information beyond just position

Today, there are about 30 million containers traveling across the globe. As solutions become smarter, shipping companies now seek even more insights into their cargo. Acconeer’s radar-based tracking technology provides crucial data during key moments in a container’s journey. Unauthorized movements or unexpected door openings can jeopardize cargo, leading to costs and labor that far exceed the cargo’s value. With radar, you are not just managing logistics. You are creating a more secure and efficient supply chain.

By using a radar solution from Acconeer, you can measure cargo up to 23 meters with millimeter accuracy while maintaining a battery life of up to ten years. The radar can detect both solid and liquid materials within a container and operates in temperatures ranging from -40°C to +105°C without interference from natural elements. No matter where your cargo travels, from the North to the South Pole, Acconeer ensures it is monitored every step of the way.

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