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Acconeer receives orders from Asteelflash with a total value of USD 161 000


The orders relate to Acconeer's XM132 Entry Module for European customer mass production. Asteelflash is a European specialist EMS company.

Lars Lindell, CEO Acconeer, comments: "We are happy to receive additional high-volume orders of our popular XM132 Entry Module, which thanks to its solderable design is ready for direct integration in customer products."

In addition to publicly announced orders, Acconeer continuously receives orders of smaller amounts which are not publicly announced as they are not considered to affect the share price.

For additional information, please contact:
Lars Lindell, CEO Acconeer, Phone: +46 10218 92 00, E-mail:

This information is information that Acconeer AB is required to disclose by the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was provided by the above contact person, for publication on September 08, 2021, 16.00.

The following documents can be retrieved from beQuoted

About Acconeer AB

With ground-breaking technology, Acconeer has developed a radar sensor that opens a new world of interaction. Acconeer Micro Radar Sensor, with low power consumption, high precision, small size and high robustness, is a 60GHz robust and cost-effective sensor for detection, distance measurement, motion detection and camera-supported applications with low power consumption. Acconeer combines the advantage of low power consumption with highly accurate pulsed radar systems of coherent radar, all integrated into a component with a surface area of only 28 mm2. The radar sensor can be included in a range of mobile consumer products, from smartphones to wearables, but also in areas such as robots, drones, the Internet of Things, healthcare, automotive, industrial robots and security and monitoring systems. Acconeer is a semiconductor company and, as a business model, sells hardware to manufacturers of consumer electronics products. Acconeer is listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market with the ticker code ACCON, Redeye is the company's Certified Advisor (CA) and can be contacted via telephone +46(0)8 121 576 90 or via e-mail

Interim report Q2 2021


In Q2 2021, Acconeer's net sales amounted to 7 643 kSEK, the gross margin was 72% and eight new customer products were launched. In Q2 for the first time more than 100 000 sensors were sold during one quarter when 112 256 sensors were sold, and since launch Acconeer has sold in total 436 468 radar sensors. In Q2 461 evaluation kits were sold, and an accumulated 3 977 EVK has been sold since launch. The company sold 2 226 modules in Q2, and since launch a total of 11 927 modules have been sold.

CEO Lars Lindell comments: "We are happy to see a new record in the number of radar sensors sold and also in the number of launched customer products during one quarter. Just like in Q1 we see a strong result in Q2, despite that our module sale has been affected by component shortage, where we haven't been able to deliver on all orders."


  • Net sales for the second quarter amounted to kSEK 7,643 (1,619).
  • The Gross margin on sales of goods was 72 (59) %.
  • Result after taxes amounted to kSEK -11,695 (-16,836).
  • Earnings per share before and after dilution was SEK -0,50 (-0,79).
  • The cash flow from operating activities was kSEK -9,402 (-13,920).


  • Net sales for the six months period amounted to kSEK 15,188 (3,769).
  • The Gross margin on sales of goods was 73 (59) %.
  • Result after taxes amounted to kSEK -23,571 (-34,536).
  • Earnings per share before and after dilution was SEK -1.01 (-1.70).
  • The cash flow from operating activities was kSEK -18,300 (-28,729).
  • Cash and cash equivalents on the balance sheet date amounted to kSEK 57,613 (109,172).


  • Acconeer announced A121 pulsed coherent radar sensor, new high-performance product in A1 family.
  • A distribution agreement focusing on the automotive industry was signed with Japanese NEXTY Electronics.
  • Acconeer receives order from CODICO worth USD 125,000.
  • The annual general meeting was held on 27 April 2021, for the 2020 fiscal year.
  • It is the company's assessment that the effects of Covid-19 will have a limited impact on operations in 2021. We expect no impact on either the development side or the manufacture of sensors, while the manufacture of modules will be affected by a global shortage on processors that have arisen in connection with Covid-19. Regarding demand for the company's products we expect further delays in customer projects, fewer start-up projects and that our customers' production rate will be affected by the lack of processors.

The interim report is attached to this press release and available through Acconeer's website:

For additional information, please contact:
Lars Lindell, CEO Acconeer, Phone: +46 10218 92 00, E-mail:

This information is information that Acconeer AB is required to disclose by the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was provided by the above contact person, for publication on July 23, 2021 07.30.

The following documents can be retrieved from beQuoted
Acconeer-Q2-result-2021 210723.pdf
Acconeer-Q2-2021 eng.pdf

About Acconeer AB

With ground-breaking technology, Acconeer has developed a radar sensor that opens a new world of interaction. Acconeer Micro Radar Sensor, with low power consumption, high precision, small size and high robustness, is a 60GHz robust and cost-effective sensor for detection, distance measurement, motion detection and camera-supported applications with low power consumption. Acconeer combines the advantage of low power consumption with highly accurate pulsed radar systems of coherent radar, all integrated into a component with a surface area of only 28 mm2. The radar sensor can be included in a range of mobile consumer products, from smartphones to wearables, but also in areas such as robots, drones, the Internet of Things, healthcare, automotive, industrial robots and security and monitoring systems. Acconeer is a semiconductor company and, as a business model, sells hardware to manufacturers of consumer electronics products. Acconeer is listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market with the ticker code ACCON, Redeye is the company's Certified Advisor (CA) and can be contacted via telephone +46(0)8 121 576 90 or via e-mail

Acconeer receives order from CODICO worth USD 125 000


The order relates to Acconeer's A111 radar sensor for European customers' mass production. CODICO GmbH is a leading European distributor, headquartered in Vienna, Austria.

Lars Lindell, CEO Acconeer, comments: "This is our largest order so far from CODICO, and it comes only two years after signing a distribution agreement with them which is a great progress. It also shows that European customers are now moving into mass production at a higher pace after a slow period during the first year of the Covid-19 pandemic."

In addition to publicly announced orders, Acconeer continuously receives orders of smaller amounts which are not publicly announced as they are not considered to affect the share price.

For additional information, please contact:
Lars Lindell, CEO Acconeer, Phone: +46 10218 92 00, E-mail:

This information is information that Acconeer AB is required to disclose by the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was provided by the above contact person, for publication on June 09, 2021 14.00.

The following documents can be retrieved from beQuoted
Acconeer-receives-order-from-CODICO 210609.pdf

About Acconeer AB

With ground-breaking technology, Acconeer has developed a radar sensor that opens a new world of interaction. Acconeer Micro Radar Sensor, with low power consumption, high precision, small size and high robustness, is a 60GHz robust and cost-effective sensor for detection, distance measurement, motion detection and camera-supported applications with low power consumption. Acconeer combines the advantage of low power consumption with highly accurate pulsed radar systems of coherent radar, all integrated into a component with a surface area of only 28 mm2. The radar sensor can be included in a range of mobile consumer products, from smartphones to wearables, but also in areas such as robots, drones, the Internet of Things, healthcare, automotive, industrial robots and security and monitoring systems. Acconeer is a semiconductor company and, as a business model, sells hardware to manufacturers of consumer electronics products. Acconeer is listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market with the ticker code ACCON, Redeye is the company's Certified Advisor (CA) and can be contacted via telephone +46(0)8 121 576 90 or via e-mail

Acconeer signs a distribution agreement with Japanese NEXTY focusing on the automotive industry


The radar technology company Acconeer AB has signed a distribution agreement with Japanese NEXTY Electronics. NEXTY, a core company of the Toyota Tsusho Group's electronics business, is a leading Japanese distributor with especially strong coverage of companies in the automotive sector.

Lars Lindell, CEO of Acconeer, comments: "We have stated for some time that our unique radar sensor will be perfect for several use cases in the automotive industry. With this agreement with NEXTY Electronics, that we are very pleased to announce, we now have the perfect partner for reaching the most important players in the Japanese auto industry".

Atsushi Aoki, President of NEXTY Electronics, comments: "We are very excited about signing this collaboration with Acconeer and we expect to see a lot of interest in their potentially disruptive sensor from our clients going forward. It is with great anticipation we look forward to seeing what this cooperation will lead to."

For additional information, please contact:
Lars Lindell, CEO Acconeer, Phone +46 10 218 92 00, Mail:
Atsushi Aoki, President of NEXTY Electronics, Phone +81 3 5462 9666 Mail:

This information is information that Acconeer AB is required to disclose by the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was provided by the above contact person, for publication on 11 May 2021 at 07.30.

The following documents can be retrieved from beQuoted

About NEXTY Electronics Corporation
NEXTY Electronics is a core company of the Toyota Tsusho Group's electronics business and is top in class within the automotive industry, offering autonomous driving technology cultivated in the field. The company also provides innovative, connected technology solutions for application to industry peripherals, such as agricultural machinery to address technology challenges. For more information:

About Acconeer AB
Acconeer is a leading radar sensor company based in Lund, south Sweden, in Ideon, the country's hottest region for wireless technologies. Acconeer is developing a truly leading ultra-low power, high precision 3D sensor which will revolutionize the way that mobile devices interpret their surroundings. Acconeers ultra-low power and millimeter precision sensor will be a robust and cost-effective solution for applications ranging from virtual reality and gaming to security and robot control. Information from the sensor can also be used to identify different materials, these are just some examples of the wide range of possibilities of application areas for the sensor. Acconeer is listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market with the ticker code ACCON, Redeye is the company's Certified Advisor (CA) and can be reached via telephone +46 (0)8 121 576 90 or via mail For more information:

Correction of press release regarding interim report Q1 2021


In the press released sent out on April 23, 2021, 07:30 the wrong year was stated in the headline. The correct year for the interim report for the first quarter is 2021. In addition, a link to the report on Acconeer's web site was missing. This has been added in the press release below, which in all other aspects is the same as the previously distributed press release.

In Q1 2021, Acconeers net sales amounted to 7 545 kSEK, the gross margin was 74% and five new customer products were launched. In Q1 399 evaluation kits were sold, and an accumulated 3 516 EVK has been sold since launch. The company sold 4 024 modules in Q1, and since launch a total of 9 701 modules have been sold. In total Acconeer has sold 324 212 sensors, out of which 74 881 were sold in Q1 2021.

CEO Lars Lindell comments: "The substantial revenue increase in the quarter is to a large extent thanks to the development agreement made with Alps Alpine, but we are happy to see that increased product sales are also contributing to the growth."


  • Net sales for the first quarter amounted to kSEK 7,545 (2,150).
  • The Gross margin on sales of goods was 74 (59) %.
  • Result after taxes amounted to kSEK -11 876 (-17 701).
  • Earnings per share before and after dilution was SEK -0.51 (-0.92).
  • The cash flow from operating activities was kSEK -8 898 (-14,810).


  • Sweden's Innovation Agency granted Acconeer 4 million SEK for a research project on sleep monitoring with Sleepiz and the University of Gothenburg.
  • Acconeer received order from Digi-Key worth USD 47,000.
  • Acconeer received order from Glyn Limited worth USD 156,000.
  • Acconeer received order from CODICO worth USD 96,000.
  • Acconeer and Alps Alpine signed a joint development agreement of Next-Generation Sensing Technology.
  • A distribution agreement was signed with Mouser Electronics and the first order received.
  • It is the company's assessment that the effects of Covid-19 will have a limited impact of operations in 2021. We expect no impact on either the development side or the manufacture of sensors, while the manufacture of modules will be affected by a global shortage on processors that have arisen in connection with Covid-19. Regarding demand for the company's products we expect further delays in customer projects, fewer start-up projects and that our customers' production rate will be affected by the lack of processors.


  • Acconeer announced A121 pulsed coherent radar sensor, new high-performance product in A1 family.

The interim report is attached to this press release and available through Acconeer's website:

For additional information, please contact:
Lars Lindell, CEO Acconeer, Phone: +46 10218 92 00, E-mail:

This information is information that Acconeer AB is required to disclose by the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was provided by the above contact person, for publication on April 23, 2021, 15:30.

The following documents can be retrieved from beQuoted
Acconeer-Q1-2021 eng.pdf

About Acconeer AB

Acconeer is a leading radar sensor company based in Lund, south Sweden, in Ideon, the country's hottest region for wireless technologies. Acconeer is developing a truly leading ultra-low power, high precision 3D sensor which will revolutionize the way that mobile devices interpret their surroundings. Acconeers ultra-low power and millimeter precision sensor will be a robust and cost-effective solution for applications ranging from virtual reality and gaming to security and robot control. Information from the sensor can also be used to identify different materials, these are just some examples of the wide range of possibilities of application areas for the sensor. Acconeer is listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market with the ticker code ACCON, Redeye is the company's Certified Advisor (CA) and can be reached via telephone +46 (0)8 121 576 90 or via mail For more information:



In Q1 2021, Acconeers net sales amounted to 7 545 kSEK, the gross margin was 74% and five new customer products were launched. In Q1 399 evaluation kits were sold, and an accumulated 3 516 EVK has been sold since launch. The company sold 4 024 modules in Q1, and since launch a total of 9 701 modules have been sold. In total Acconeer has sold 324 212 sensors, out of which 74 881 were sold in Q1 2021.

CEO Lars Lindell comments: "The substantial revenue increase in the quarter is to a large extent thanks to the development agreement made with Alps Alpine, but we are happy to see that increased product sales are also contributing to the growth."


  • Net sales for the first quarter amounted to kSEK 7,545 (2,150).
  • The Gross margin on sales of goods was 74 (59) %.
  • Result after taxes amounted to kSEK -11 876 (-17 701).
  • Earnings per share before and after dilution was SEK -0.51 (-0.92).
  • The cash flow from operating activities was kSEK -8 898 (-14,810).


  • Sweden's Innovation Agency granted Acconeer 4 million SEK for a research project on sleep monitoring with Sleepiz and the University of Gothenburg.
  • Acconeer received order from Digi-Key worth USD 47,000.
  • Acconeer received order from Glyn Limited worth USD 156,000.
  • Acconeer received order from CODICO worth USD 96,000.
  • Acconeer and Alps Alpine signed a joint development agreement of Next-Generation Sensing Technology.
  • A distribution agreement was signed with Mouser Electronics and the first order received.
  • It is the company's assessment that the effects of Covid-19 will have a limited impact of operations in 2021. We expect no impact on either the development side or the manufacture of sensors, while the manufacture of modules will be affected by a global shortage on processors that have arisen in connection with Covid-19. Regarding demand for the company's products we expect further delays in customer projects, fewer start-up projects and that our customers' production rate will be affected by the lack of processors.


  • Acconeer announced A121 pulsed coherent radar sensor, new high-performance product in A1 family.

For additional information, please contact:
Lars Lindell, CEO Acconeer, Phone: +46 10218 92 00, E-mail:

This information is information that Acconeer AB is required to disclose by the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was provided by the above contact person, for publication on April 23, 2021, 07:30.

The following documents can be retrieved from beQuoted
Acconeer-Q1-result-2021 210423.pdf
Acconeer-Q1-2021 eng.pdf

About Acconeer AB

Acconeer is a leading radar sensor company based in Lund, south Sweden, in Ideon, the country's hottest region for wireless technologies. Acconeer is developing a truly leading ultra-low power, high precision 3D sensor which will revolutionize the way that mobile devices interpret their surroundings. Acconeers ultra-low power and millimeter precision sensor will be a robust and cost-effective solution for applications ranging from virtual reality and gaming to security and robot control. Information from the sensor can also be used to identify different materials, these are just some examples of the wide range of possibilities of application areas for the sensor. Acconeer is listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market with the ticker code ACCON, Redeye is the company's Certified Advisor (CA) and can be reached via telephone +46 (0)8 121 576 90 or via mail For more information:

Acconeer announces A121 pulsed coherent radar sensor, new high-performance product in A1 family


Today Acconeer is announcing a new product in the A1 pulsed coherent radar family, based on the design of A111 but with extended performance. The product is planned to be ready for mass-production in the second half of 2022.

The new product will complement the A111 radar sensor and will have even lower power-consumption, increased performance and improved data quality . This will be of use in advanced power-critical use cases such as gesture-control using micro-motions. The A121 will also have support for flexible power supply, with an IO interface of 1.8-3.3 V and will be qualified for AECQ-100 grade 2 to ensure operation over a wider temperature range. Being part of the A1 family, A121 is pin compatible with A111. More information about technical features and intended use cases will be shared closer to when the product is available on the market.

Acconeer launched the A111 radar sensor during the spring 2018, and the A1 product family will be complemented with A121 in second half of 2022. The next generation product family, A2, which is co-developed with Alps Alpine, will be launched in 2024 as previously announced.

For additional information, please contact:

Lars Lindell, CEO Acconeer, Phone: +46 10218 92 00, E-mail:

This information is information that Acconeer AB is required to disclose by the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was provided by the above contact person, for publication on April 22, 2021 07.30.

The following documents can be retrieved from beQuoted

About Acconeer AB

Acconeer is a leading radar sensor company based in Lund, south Sweden, in Ideon, the country's hottest region for wireless technologies. Acconeer is developing a truly leading ultra-low power, high precision 3D sensor which will revolutionize the way that mobile devices interpret their surroundings. Acconeers ultra-low power and millimeter precision sensor will be a robust and cost-effective solution for applications ranging from virtual reality and gaming to security and robot control. Information from the sensor can also be used to identify different materials, these are just some examples of the wide range of possibilities of application areas for the sensor. Acconeer is listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market with the ticker code ACCON, Redeye is the company's Certified Advisor (CA) and can be reached via telephone +46 (0)8 121 576 90 or via mail For more information:

Acconeer signs a distribution agreement with Mouser Electronics and receives first order


Acconeer has signed a distribution agreement with Mouser Electronics, and Acconeer's radar products will soon be available through Mouser's online store. At the same time, Mouser Electronics places an order worth USD 35 000 for initial stock. The order relates to Acconeer's A1 radar sensor and related modules, evaluation kits (EVK) and lenses. Mouser is one of the largest electronic component distributors in the world, with a global reach.

Lars Lindell, CEO of Acconeer, comments: "With this agreement in place we further increase our visibility and availability for customers worldwide. Being one of the largest global players in the industry, Mouser is an important addition to our global distributor network".

Jeff Newell, Senior Vice President of Products for Mouser Electronics: "We're excited to offer our customers Acconeer's world-class radar products. Acconeer radar sensors, kits and lenses align with our existing line card and customer base, and we look forward to a successful long-term relationship".

For additional information, please contact:
Lars Lindell, CEO Acconeer, Phone +46 10 218 92 00, Mail:

This information is information that Acconeer AB is required to disclose by the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was provided by the above contact person, for publication on 25 March 2021 at 09.00.

The following documents can be retrieved from beQuoted

About Mouser Electronics
Mouser Electronics, a Berkshire Hathaway company, is an authorised semiconductor and electronic component distributor focused on New Product Introductions from its leading manufacturer partners. Serving the global electronic design engineer and buyer community, the global distributor's website,, is available in multiple languages and currencies and features more than 5 million products from over 1.100 manufacturer brands. Mouser offers 27 support locations worldwide to provide best-in-class customer service in local language, currency and time zone. The distributor ships to over 630.000 customers in 223 countries/territories from its 93.000 square-meter, state-of-the-art distribution facilities in the Dallas, Texas, metro area. For more information, visit

About Acconeer AB
Acconeer is a leading radar sensor company based in Lund, south Sweden, in Ideon, the country's hottest region for wireless technologies. Acconeer is developing a truly leading ultra-low power, high precision 3D sensor which will revolutionize the way that mobile devices interpret their surroundings. Acconeers ultra-low power and millimeter precision sensor will be a robust and cost-effective solution for applications ranging from virtual reality and gaming to security and robot control. Information from the sensor can also be used to identify different materials, these are just some examples of the wide range of possibilities of application areas for the sensor. Acconeer is listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market with the ticker code ACCON, Redeye is the company's Certified Advisor (CA) and can be reached via telephone +46 (0)8 121 576 90 or via mail For more information:

Acconeer and Alps Alpine have signed a joint development agreement of Next-Generation Sensing Technology


Acconeer AB and Alps Alpine Co., Ltd. ("Alps Alpine") have signed a joint development agreement to develop next generation patented Pulse Coherent sensors, targeting a wide range of applications in the automotive, industrial and consumer segments including mobile phones. The contract is based on the principles in the MoU signed and announced in April 2020, and prescribes that Alps Alpine will contribute up to USD 6 million towards the development of which USD 3.85 million is paid as a Non Recurring Engineering fee and the balance will be invested in tools and third party IP. In return, Alps Alpine will receive exclusivity for the new product for the automotive market. The product is planned to be ready for production during 2024.

Payments are expected to commence in 2021 and end in 2024. Alps Alpine is a world-leading manufacturer of electronic components, modules and systems. Further information on Alps Alpine are set out at the bottom of this press release.

Lars Lindell, CEO of Acconeer, comments: "We have co-operated with Alps Alpine for several years and jointly won several design wins in the area of "presence detection" as well as "access control sensor" for cars. The joint development agreement is the next step in this co-operation combining Alps Alpine's competence and purchasing power in systems for cars with Acconeer's Pulsed Coherent radar technology. Entering into this agreement is a very important step which allows us to go ahead with our plans for the next generation radar sensor."

For additional information, please contact:

Lars Lindell, CEO Acconeer, Phone: +46 10218 92 00, Mail:

This information is information that Acconeer AB is required to disclose pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was provided, by the above contact person, for publication on March 19th 2021 at 09.00.

The following documents can be retrieved from beQuoted

About Alps Alpine

Alps Alpine, a leading manufacturer of electronic components and automotive infotainment systems, has brought the world numerous "First 1" and "Number 1" products since its founding in 1948. The Alps Alpine Group currently operates 110 bases in 26 countries and regions, supplying roughly 40,000 different products and solutions to around 2,000 companies worldwide. Those offerings include devices such as switches, sensors, data communication modules, touch input panels, actuators and power inductors; electronic shifters, remote keyless entry systems and other automotive units; consumer electronics like car navigation and audio-visual systems; and systems and services such as digital keys based on smartphone app and blockchain technology, and remote monitoring.

In January 2019, Alps Electric Co., Ltd. and Alpine Electronics, Inc. integrated their businesses to embark on a new era as Alps Alpine Co., Ltd. Serving a diverse range of markets encompassing an automotive industry currently undergoing major transformation, the mobile and consumer electronics domains, through to energy, healthcare and industry markets, Alps Alpine will combine and build on core device technology established over many years in three areas – human-machine interfaces, SENSORING™ and connectivity – along with system design and software development capabilities to innovate value that brings comfort to and enriches the lives of people everywhere. For more information:

About Acconeer AB

Acconeer is a leading radar sensor company based in Lund, south Sweden, in Ideon, the country's hottest region for wireless technologies. Acconeer is developing a truly leading ultra-low power, high precision 3D sensor which will revolutionize the way that mobile devices interpret their surroundings. Acconeers ultra-low power and millimeter precision sensor will be a robust and cost-effective solution for applications ranging from virtual reality and gaming to security and robot control. Information from the sensor can also be used to identify different materials, these are just some examples of the wide range of possibilities of application areas for the sensor. Acconeer is listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market with the ticker code ACCON, Redeye is the company's Certified Advisor (CA) and can be reached via telephone +46 (0)8 121 576 90 or via mail For more information:

Acconeer receives order from CODICO worth USD 96 000


The order relates to Acconeer's A1 radar sensor intended for mass production of customer products. CODICO GmbH is a leading European distributor, headquartered in Vienna, Austria.

Lars Lindell, CEO Acconeer, comments: "We have collaborated with CODICO on the European market since June 2019, and are happy to see another volume order from them."

In addition to publicly announced orders, Acconeer continuously receives orders of smaller amounts which are not publicly announced as they are not considered to affect the share price.

For additional information, please contact:
Lars Lindell, CEO Acconeer, Phone: +46 10218 92 00, E-mail:

This information is information that Acconeer AB is required to disclose by the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was provided by the above contact person, for publication on March 02, 2021 12.00.

The following documents can be retrieved from beQuoted

About Acconeer AB

Acconeer is a leading radar sensor company based in Lund, south Sweden, in Ideon, the country's hottest region for wireless technologies. Acconeer is developing a truly leading ultra-low power, high precision 3D sensor which will revolutionize the way that mobile devices interpret their surroundings. Acconeers ultra-low power and millimeter precision sensor will be a robust and cost-effective solution for applications ranging from virtual reality and gaming to security and robot control. Information from the sensor can also be used to identify different materials, these are just some examples of the wide range of possibilities of application areas for the sensor. Acconeer is listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market with the ticker code ACCON, Redeye is the company's Certified Advisor (CA) and can be reached via telephone +46 (0)8 121 576 90 or via mail For more information: