Acconeer participated in the Tokyo IoT/M2M Expo last week. Here is CEO Lars Lindell with the latest radar show case.
CEO Lars Lindell presents at ACCONEER Annual General Meeting (In Swedish).
CEO Lars Lindell presents at ACCONEER Annual General Meeting (In Swedish).
PRESSMEDDELANDE: Acconeer offentliggör prospekt och genomför nyemission inför planerad notering på N
Acconeer AB (publ) har ansökt om notering på Nasdaq First North och genomför i samband med detta en nyemission av aktier riktad till allmänheten och institutionella investerare i Sverige.
Tech-bolaget Acconeer, som har flera profiler kopplat till Fingerprint Cards i sin ägarkrets, fyller just nu på kassan med 150 miljoner kronor och siktet är inställt på att noteras på Nasdaq First North i december.
PRESS ANNOUNCEMENT: Mobile Sensor Technology Company Acconeer AB Closes SEK 60 Million Investment Ro
Acconeer AB, a leading innovation company in the area of mobile sensors, announces that it has closed a SEK 60 million investment round.
Leading Mobile Technology Company Acconeer AB Awarded Gold Innovation Award by Mobilgalan: Swedish M
Acconeer AB, a leading innovation company in the area of mobile sensors, announces that it has been awarded Guldmobilen in the category of best innovation in the Swedish mobile industry in 2015.
Acconeer AB, a leading innovation company in the mobile sensing area announces that it has raised a SEK 20 million investment round lead by BGA Invest, the company also announced the appointment of Lars Lindell as new CEO, effective from May 15th.