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Bulletin from the Extraordinary General Meeting in Acconeer AB

Acconeer AB (the "Company") has today, 1 March 2024, held an Extraordinary General Meeting (the "EGM"). The EGM resolved approve the Board of Directors' proposal to amend the Articles of Association and to resolve on an issue authorization for the Board of Directors. Notice of the Extraordinary General Meeting and complete proposals are available on the Company's website,
Amendment of the Articles of Association

The EGM resolved in accordance with the Board of Directors' two proposals to amend §§ 4-5 of the Articles of Association, entailing:

  • that the Articles of Association shall be amended so that the share capital shall be not less than SEK 1,250,000 and not more than SEK 5,000,000 and that the number of shares shall be not less than 25,000,000 and not more than 100,000,000, and
  • that the Articles of Association shall be amended so that the share capital shall be not less than SEK 5,000,000 and not more than SEK 20,000,000 and that the number of shares shall be not less than 100,000,000 and not more than 400,000,000.

The EGM further resolved to authorize the Board of Directors to register with the Swedish Companies Registration Office the above resolution to amend the Articles of Association, the limits of which for the minimum and maximum number of shares in the Company are consistent with the total number of shares in the Company after the Board of Directors has resolved on a new issue of shares based on the issue authorization as set out below.

Issue authorization

The EGM resolved, in accordance with the Board of Directors' proposal, to authorize the Board of Directors to, on one or more occasions during the period until the next Annual General Meeting, resolve to issue new shares, warrants and/or convertibles, with preferential rights for the Company's shareholders. The Company's share capital and the number of shares may, by virtue of the authorization, be increased with an amount and number that falls within the limits of the, at any time registered, or by the EGM adopted, Articles of Association. In accordance with what has been previously communicated, the Board of Directors intends to resolve on a rights issue of shares of approximately SEK 150 million based on the issue authorization around 5 March 2024.