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Meet our new CEO, Ted Hansson

Acconeer’s new CEO Ted Hansson started his journey within the semiconductor industry by studying Electrical Engineering at Lund and Blekinge University. After five years of studying and acquiring a master’s degree, Ted intended to pursue a doctor’s degree in signal processing but was instead met with a job offer from Ericsson. Together with Ericsson, Ted traveled to Korea to sell their video mobile solution. This turned out to be the start of Ted´s journey in Asia.

Ted ended up staying in Asia for more than twenty years, leaving Ericsson in 2010 after building customer support offices in Shanghai, Taipei, and Seoul. After Ericsson Ted joined Nanoradio, a small Swedish innovative Wi-Fi company, later acquired by Samsung. Ted stayed on at Samsung for a year before moving to Fingerprint Cards.

When Ted first arrived at Fingerprint in 2013, the company was still small and up-and-coming. Ted was responsible for establishing teams and offices around Asia and played a vital role in securing Fingerprint’s first major deal with Huawei. During his time at Fingerprint the company went from zero to hero, selling over two billion sensors to many of the world’s biggest manufacturers of consumer electronics, tablets, and phones.

Ted continued at Fingerprint up until the Covid lockdowns in China when he decided to return to Sweden after 20+ years abroad. Once back on Swedish soil, Ted took over as interim CEO of Fingerprint.

Ted’s biggest strengths lie in his ability to start and grow organizations, scaling and finding new customers with a big focus on being present all the way from design to launch. The similarities in his previous endeavor’s mirror in many ways Acconeer’s journey and challenges, which makes Ted an ideal leader to take us forward.

What made you interested in joining Acconeer?

I have been following Acconeer since the IPO in 2017 and have always been very impressed. The fact that the technology behind the company is built in-house and from scratch makes Acconeer true pioneers. During my years in Asia and at Ericsson I met a lot of my new colleagues, including the co-founders Mats Ärlelid and Mikael Egard as well as the previous CEO Lars Lindell. The work they have done up until this point is truly inspiring and unique, making this opportunity hard to look past.

What are your first impressions of Acconeer?

What stuck with me directly when I came through the doors at Acconeer was the team and the unity this company represents. The Acconeer team holds unprecedented competence, with knowledge and experience spanning multiple areas of engineering, design, and communication. The people here are exceptionally good at what they do and with that, enormously proud of what they do and where they are going.

What does the future look like for Acconeer?

Acconeer have always aimed wide with their products, finding customers and use-cases in many industries across the world. With a well-established network of distributors and a major partner in Alps Alpine the foundation of Acconeer is strong.

Going forward we need to focus on establishing more major clients with high volume purchases. My vision is becoming even closer to our clients, showing them why they need our products, how they use our products and being part of the journey all the way from design and development to launch. To do this we need to dare to invest more in future clients, showing every major company our world-leading products and solutions.

For press release & contact information, please visit: Acconeer Investor Page